Staff Application Summer 2025

Staff Application En

Important !!! Your spouse/significant other needs to fill out their own staff application.

Child #1

Fill out the details below for your child #1

Your child will need to fill out their own staff application. 

It is important to register your child/children as camper/s on our website.

Please follow this link to complete the registration :

Child # 2

Fill the details about your child #2

Your child will need to fill out their own staff application. 

It is important to register your child/children as camper/s on our website.

Please follow this link to complete the registration :

Child # 3

Fill the details about your child #3

Your child will need to fill out their own staff application. 

It is important to register your child/children as camper/s on our website.

Please follow this link to complete the registration :

Child # 4

Fill the details about your child #4

Your child will need to fill out their own staff application. 

It is important to register your child/children as camper/s on our website.

Please follow this link to complete the registration :

Child # 5

Fill the details about your child #5

Your child will need to fill out their own staff application. 

It is important to register your child/children as camper/s on our website.

Please follow this link to complete the registration :

Camp Involvement

Please note that the general rule at Parkside is that all camp staff must be over 16 years of age. Cabin leaders have a minimum age of 18 years old. However maturity and experience will be taken into consideration.

Parkside’s Leadership Team will attempt to place you in the position for which you apply, however, in serving the Lord at Parkside, it is hoped that all of us will be flexible and willing to accept an alternate position according to the needs of camp and where we feel you could best be used.


Please indicate which week(s) you are available

Areas of interest

Past Camping Experience

Please list any other experiences you may have had. If you were on staff at another camp please include your responsibilities as well as a contact person from that camp.

Background Checks and Health

In order to provide a safe and secure environment for our Children and Youth, we believe it is necessary to ask the following questions as part of our application process. All information will be kept in confidence by Camp leadership and the Plan to Protect® team and will not be disclosed by the camp unless required by law.  Answering ‘yes’ to any of the following questions may not necessarily prevent you from Volunteering with the camp. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Christian Life

At Parkside Ranch, some roles have a spiritual focus because of the faith-based nature of our camp’s mission. As part of the application process, we ask questions about religious beliefs to make sure applicants are a good fit for these roles. This approach is in line with provincial human rights law, which allows religious organizations to consider faith-based qualifications when they’re relevant to the job. Including this step helps us stay true to our mission and follow the guidelines in our protection policy.

Spiritual Environment and Discussions
By joining Parkside Ranch as a summer staff member, you’ll be part of a community where spiritual discussions and activities are a natural part of daily life. We expect all staff to be comfortable in this environment and to engage with respect and kindness, regardless of their personal beliefs. Respect for one another is essential, and we ask everyone to uphold this value in all circumstances to maintain a positive and welcoming atmosphere for both staff and campers.

Here is our state of belief :

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that it is our authority and our guide for our faith and its application.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, fully man and fully God, perfect in His person, eternal in His existence. We believe that He died for our sins and that He rose again to be our High Priest in the presence of God.

We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit and in the fact that He resides in every believer.

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, which is made up of every true believer.

We do not claim to be perfect, but we affirm that we have a perfect Savior, whom we serve in this camp through our actions and our daily lives.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. We ask that you do not rush this portion of the application but prayerfully consider your answers. Thank you!


Please, ensure to give us the reference of THREE (3) people who will fill your reference form online.

You must have ONE reference form filled in by a leader in your church (youth pastor, pastor, elder, deacon, etc.). The other TWO references may be a teacher, employer, friend, etc.

No reference forms will be accepted from any of your relatives!

Once we have contacted two of your references, you will receive an email that will enable you to reserve a meeting for a short interview with us.

First reference

Second reference

Third reference

Release of Information and Declaration of Intent

I hereby give Parkside Ranch permission to contact persons named by me above as references and contact persons at my current and former employers to gather information in order for Parkside Ranch to decide whether I am suitable for camp work.

I hereby give Parkside Ranch consent to verify the information provided by me in this application form and to contact the references and current and former employers listed above and to obtain and verify any information from them (and any other persons that Parkside Ranch determines might be able to provide relevant information) that may be relevant to my application.

I grant my permission for Parkside Ranch to perform a Criminal Records Check on me, and I will sign this “Release of Information and Declaration of Intent” for such purpose.

I further grant Parkside Ranch permission to perform an internet search on me and to review and consider any information found by me on the Internet.

I understand that if Parkside Ranch approves my application and later determines, in its discretion, at any time that I am not suitable for service in Parkside Ranch or for the position for which I am applying, Parkside Ranch may terminate my service/position for any reason without advance notice.

If Parkside Ranch approves my application for a Summer Staff position, I will sign any documents that Parkside Ranch requires and will at all times cooperate fully with the Staff of Parkside Ranch in the fulfillment of my duties and will keep all confidential information I encounter in my role as a Summer Staff, confidential.

If at any time, I determine that for any reason I am unable to support or adhere to or follow the policies, procedures or doctrine of Parkside Ranch, I will inform Parkside Ranch and will resign my position.

I hereby acknowledge that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application form is true and correct.

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